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Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Max is home in the morning..

I've missed him, and it's only a short turn over between his return and my departure.
I'm getting excited about seeing Alex and Grant...yea...

These pics are from skype.
Silly, Sad Muffin and Kunny..

Silly Happy, Muffin and Kunny.
(Maybe they're happy to get back to normal)

Monday, 29 August 2011

Love Wins....

This is the video that's associated with the book 'love wins'....thanks to Bob , I've just had a look at it and it's quite thought provoking.
In many circles it will be seen as politically incorrect, but never the less.

More Spring Flowers....

Of course from Marjs' garden.

Fish and Salad.......

Marg came over for dinner and I made a fish and salad dish.

Trevally on Rocket,with olives gherkin roasted capsicum, and basil dressing.

Blister the skin of a red capsicum, in the oven, peel, de seed, and slice.

Dice Kalamata olives.

Julienne carrot

Dice Gherkin.

Blitz some onion, garlic, basil, olive oil, a little vinegar,and a bit of lemon,
season as desired.

Cook the fish in a pan, with a little olive oil, and a squeeze of lemon.
Assemble the Rocket, carrot, olives and gherkin,
layer on the fish, capsicum and the dressing.


Sunday, 28 August 2011

Look Who Want's To Come On Holidays....

Miss Nardia has tucked herself into my on board luggage,
I think that's a hint,
nevermind she'll have Max home and looking after her every desire soon enough.  

Sleeping like a baby.

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Taking The Tripod To St Kilda.....

This afternoon I went for a drive with a friend to St Kilda.
We walked along the pier and I set up the tripod to take some snaps of the view, see what you think.
(The little portable tripod is amazing, great to use and light enough to carry around without breaking your arm)

Looking over at the Marina.

Looking back towards the beach, the clouds were amazing.

More Marina, apparently there are people who live on their boats out here.

Old bollard and sparkly water reflections.

The top deck of the Kiosk.

View back towards the kiosk

Looking down the pier

The Old cafes and day spa etc.

One of the sailing boats out on the water.

Looking back at the Espy(the old white building),
where Max and his band have played a few gigs.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

I See You Baby....

Yesterday I went and helped Yve with a bit of clearing of the Bradfield house.
 (Mostly deciding which box or category to put the never ending contents of the bookshelf in.)
Aside from the books.... I came home with 2 tripods. One quite substantial, and the other light and portable.
They're lovely and fit easily, and well with my camera.
here's a bit of photo booth to try and let you have a look.

It's such an incredible job,
 deciding where things go and what's going to happen to stuff,
(and to people)
 when someone passes away.
It's never easy, and has the potential to bring out the best and the worst in those affected.
It's not always possible to see the good, but in this case,
 I'm thankful and delighted to have the connection with my dear John in so much of my photography.

Monday, 22 August 2011

A Sassy Garden, Or A Garden In Sassafras...

Yesterday I took some more photos of Marj's garden....
A little bit of stone path, under a rustic arch,
looking out over the front yard.

A bit of a closer view.
A little more of the arch.
Mosaic path bordering the vegie patch.
The vegie patch in winter.

The front border( I can't seem to move the photo up to the front yard bit!)

A little bit of colour.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

The Flowers Of Early Spring...

Today was so beautiful weather wise,
 that I went up to Marjs' and took photos of some of her spring flowers.
They are just gorgeous, I'm sure you'll agree.