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Thursday, 20 October 2011

Good Morning Assizi....

One morning while we were staying in Umbria, I woke up early, from a terrible dream.
Quietly making my way to the bathroom, I went over to the window, which was set high up like a portal in the thick stone wall, (which was originally part of a watchtower built in the fifteen hundreds.)
 Opening the pane and stretching up on tip pee toes, I could just see Assisi floating above the fog rising from the valley. The night lights still twinkling and the cool stillness of dawn, then just faintly I could hear the sound of angels in the distance, the nuns from Santa Chiara singing morning prayers.
Absolutely beautiful.

Assisi and the fog.
The old Roman fort on the top of the hill.

The church of St Francis, rising fron the hillside

Looking out over the valley.

The Sun coming up,
the stuctures on the lower right are the old graveyard, outside the city walls and all of that.

The valley, stretching away.

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