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Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Today I'm on holidays, so it's been fairly quiet. However I'm taking "virtual" camera lessons

A while back I made a batch of Sweet Chilli Sauce, using local Strawberries for the fruity base.
Today I'm trying to capture something with the camera, delicious simple and with the minimum of elements, sauce, spoon, plate, and light, the rest is pretty incidental.

See if you can tell why these photos work or don't work.
I've been looking at composition, and also worrying about aperture, exposure, and ISO...etc
Sweet Chilli and Strawberry sauce.



Sweet and delcious.

Just in case you weren't paying attention.

That's me in the reflection.

I had some with pan fried chicken and steamed vegetables, for tea,
 and it made all the difference, yum.
If it makes you want to lick the spoon, I win....


  1. oh mama i'm so proud of you. These photos are brilliant.
    Rule of thirds works every time. And you are really seeing it now!

  2. thanks Muffin....that means a lot
    love mum
