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Monday, 3 August 2015

Rye Bread With Caraway Sultana and Walnut...

I've been experementing with bread latley and this one turned out really well.
We used some Walnuts that we bought at the farm door on a recent trip to King Valley.

Note to self....sometimes it's better to buy them already shelled, it can be a big job.
Thank heavens for willing helpers.

And also some home grown Sultanas from the same trip...just heated and softened  with a drizzle of Muscat.

I've settled on a dough made with half Rye flour and half Wholemeal flour with a tablespoon of Caraway seeds as a base to start from.

Once the dough has proved, add the fruit and nuts, working them in and then shaping the loaf.
After a further proving and 25 minutes in a hot oven it's all ready to be enjoyed.

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