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Monday, 28 October 2013

Filled Pasta...

I used Wonton wrappers for the pasta sheets,
moisten all the edges, and spoon Pumpkin(cooked),  Persian Feta with torn Basil
into the centre.

Seal the edges and gently simmer in water until cooked.

Served with a small spoon of Sour Cream, Olive Oil, Parmigano and  fresh Basil.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Snack Time...

Sometimes Dinner is a snack...
or in other words lots of little bits of what you fancy.

Pumpkin and Basil Soup...

It's still cold enough around here to have soup for lunch.

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Long Track Pantry...

Remembering of a fun trip Marj and I took last year
 and the lunch stop we had in Jugiong...

Travel always has the potential for making lovely memories.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013


Simple and lovely, just so fresh and vibrant...
hope that's how tomorrow will be!

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

The Best Thing To Have For Dinner...

Family and friends...
not to mention baked Camembert with Garlic and red wine.

The colour changes and despite appearances
the flavour is sensational with bits of toasted Pita to accompany it.

Well that was starters,
the rest was simple vegetarian,
 washed down with a lot of crazy travel stories...  pics and videos.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

New Look At The Skate Park...

Youth Services and others organised an event at the Skate Park today...

Lots of beautiful art from local graffiti artists ...

And lots of music was performed...

It was a great afternoon with lots of local community participation...

Picnic Twist...

Cut holes out of a Cheese and Tomato Twist,
then fill the holes with egg.

Put it on baking paper and cook for 15 min.

I had mine with some Smoked Salmon.


Thursday, 17 October 2013

Belief and Discovery...

Belief and discovery...

 Both really important things to negotiate
 while travelling the path of life...

Believing and remaining open...

Not easy and not always possible,
but never the less important!.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

No Problemo...

Just an idea, if it's late and you're still hungry...
Pan fry T Bone Steak,  add a few delicious vegetables
you can eat the leftovers tomorrow...

More From "Treasures Of Istanbul"...

Two little metal and glass candle holders.
Tiny little hand painted ceramic bowls,  ideal for dips and pitta.

Metal and glass pendant candle lamp...
I'm ready to recline on my Turkish Day Bed with a bit of candle light.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

What's for Dinner?...

Salmon on Polenta with Baby Cos and Avocado Salad
dusted with Nori Sea Salt
For the sea salt,  just crush rock salt
 and a  dried Seaweed sheet in a Mortar and Pestle,
then put it in a shaker and dust away...

Delicious, but can't finish it!
Need visitors...

Rustic Pizza...

With Potato, Cheese and Red Pepper.
Scattered with Parsley, Capers and Anchovy.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Saturday Sunshine...

This week the weather's been all over the place,
so it's lovely to have a bit of Lavander and sunshine in the afternoon...

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Sweet Potato Gnocchi...

With Sage and  Balsamic Brown Butter Sauce... 
1 1/2 cups cold roasted Sweet potato,
 with 1 cup of Riccotta, 1/2 cup of grated Parmigiano,
and enough plain flour to make a dough.

Roll into sausage lengths, and cut into small sections.
Roll the little bits into your desired shape.
Cook in small batches in boiling water, until they float to the surface.

Serve with Sage Butter Sauce and flakes of Pecorino Pepato...
remember Google is your friend as far as recipes go.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Sunday, 6 October 2013


"There are two ways to spread the light,
Be the candle,
 or the mirror that reflects it."

Edith Wharton

That's what I'm thinking about!