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Saturday, 31 March 2012

What's On My Kitchen Bench...

Violas and Wild Strawberries
Lots of fruit and veg...I went to Get Fresh and bought a $3.00 "surprise me" box.

I'm making Silver beet and Potato soup with Watercress.
The Limes were from a tree overhanging a back fence in the village.

Lovely little Tomatoes from the church garden.
(Which looks amazing with the Sea Grass Matting as a weed suppressant.)

Dessert For Breakfast...

It's also the name of one of my favourite blogs...

Still some Apple and Orange Crumble left from the week
just the thing for a Saturday breakfast.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Monday, 26 March 2012

Apple Crumble...

Stewed Apples with Orange and Cinnamon Crumble.
It's a tribute to a Marie Claire recipe.

You combine  two and a half cups of fresh Bread Crumbs with One teaspoon of Cinnamon,
 the zest of one Orange and  half a cup of Brown Sugar.
Spread it out on a lined baking sheet, and then drizzle over two ounces of melted Butter mixed with the juice of one Orange.
Toast in the oven at 180 degrees.
I checked mine every 10 min and kind of forked it about until it was crunchy.
it took about 30 min, but maybe my tray was a bit small.

Crumble the topping over your apples and serve with thick cream. 

Friday, 23 March 2012

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Monday, 19 March 2012

Soupee' the Grassroots Market

Providing free soup and a space for a chat or a song on a friday...or at the market.

More Grassroots Market...

The Bethany Claire Cakes, Stall...
So much trouble deciding what to have...

So much to choose from.

How lovely.

You have to be quick...

Beautiful biscuits, I couldn't resist.
Have a look at my breakfast post to find Bethanys' contact details (she does catering).

Sunday, 18 March 2012

My Pumpkins....

Still green and small.

Small and orange with herbs and Tomato.

And of course Nardia wants to help.

I Wish You Came For Breakfast...

Fresh fruit,  Libs' Granola and Yoghurt.
Coffee and cake.
Or Coffee and biscuits.

Deciding what you want is another matter, Yo Yo's, Monte Carlo's etc...

The Pecan Maple cake was so delicious, there's a crust then a soft centre.

Hummingbird cake, the Cream Cheese icing, Coconut and a hint of Nutmeg make it such a treat.

The cookies were so beautifuly boxed.

No, I didn't eat them all...I've saved some for another day.

The cakes and cookies came from: