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Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Just The Thing For A Hot Night...

Today it's been sweltering, so I didn't really feel like cooking.

So I just made up a small platter of, Kalamata Olives, Dill Pickles, Red Pepper,
Lettuce, (from Margs' garden) and Marinated Mushrooms.

With the Mushrooms, you take a large teaspoon of mustard,
about a third of a cup of Vinegar and also of White Wine.
Put it all in a pot, just simmer  and add whole button Mushrooms.( I used about 500 gm)
Stir for about 10 minutes, you want them to heat up and release a bit of fluid.
Then put them in a bottle in the fridge, they'll keep about a week

Just on some toasted Sourdough
 that's been rubbed with the cut side of a small Garlic Clove.
Oh, and of course some Blue Costello.
Simply delicious.

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