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Monday, 14 April 2014

My Monarch Butterfly....

On Saturday Marj and I visited the "butterfly lady"
and I came away with an early birthday gift.
A Monarch Butterfly Chrysalis...
Such an exciting journey...
the first flutter...this is when she was freshly hatched...
you can see the remains of the chrysalis on the right.

This is what the caterpillars look like..
.just beginning to attach, before becoming a chrysalis.

The type of flowers favoured by the Monarch.

The plant that hosts the caterpillars and chrysalis.

More butterfly friendly plants...

This is Amelie (as she has come to be known)..
just before she hatched, you can see the markings of her wings
 so clearly through the wall of the chrysalis.

Just freshly hatched...
Drying her wings on some favoured flowers...

Having a stretch.

She gave me such a fright when having her first flutters she landed on my hand...bit of a shaky photo, me trying to concentrate and capture the moment.

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