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Saturday, 31 December 2011

A Little Look Back At 2011....

Thanks to all of you dear readers for coming along for the ride.
I started blogging in March, and to begin with could only use photo booth.
That all changed when I bought my camera, and worked out how to upload photos...

My first photo on photo booth.

Then came my efforts in cartooning, which have started to evolve in their style
 and although are at times daunting, are mostly rewarding.
I took trips down memory lane, with the aid of my scanner.
Many a Friday night post seemed to involve Cheese, Pears and Red Wine.

And of course Candles.

I've posted about food, (and how the sandwich press can be your best friend.)

I've shared about preserving.

And taken photos of whatever is at hand.
Sometimes the bright lights of the big city.
Sometimes the simplicity of the change of seasons.
Looking at where I am, and sharing it with you.

The big trip was a major highlight... shopping in Doha.

Coffee in Rome.
Just soaking up the ambience.

Visiting friends in Chieri.

Churches every where, but this one's in Turin.
Sunset walks on Lido.
And fascinating Venice.
Florence by night.
Beautiful Umbria.
Adventures in france...a morning walk to discover Les Beaux.
Picnic in Gourdes.

The beauty of Sainte Chapelle in Paris.

The arcades of Montmartre.

The street scapes of Paris.

The chill of Edinburgh,  but the warmth of catching up with family. 
And back home... to see what happens next.

The year like all others has had it's ups and downs.
Thank you to everyone who's helped and been supportive, it makes all the difference.

I wish you all a Happy New Year,
hope you are encouraged to share what you have,
 and who you are with those around you.
Love Jo

Visiting Max...

Some pics from the Swan Hill experience.

Looks like all that hard work agrees with him,
a relaxed Max at Spoons cafe.

The view from the back deck of the cafe.
Lots of activity on the river.

The actual deck, such a lovely spot to stop and have a chat.

Me in a faded mirror in Max's caravan,
so retro.

Fabulous pizza oven out the front of the property.

Even a built in veggie garden.

The bridge crossing over the Murry River,
and it's a fond farewell to Swan Hill.

Friday, 30 December 2011

The Drive Up To Swan Hill..

I Left on Tuesday and drove up to Bendigo, on to Bridgewater then Kerang and finally Swan Hill.

Big land, big sky.

The open road.

Looking back, and looking forward.

Summer country.
Hay cut and rolled, grain silo in the background.

You can just see the ranges in the distance.

Some recently shorn sheep.

Lake Boga In The Morning Light...

Just had to stop along the way,

Lots of water at the moment,
 from what the locals say it hasn't been this full for ages.

Nice spot for a quiet think.

Sun coming up through the trees, and funny sort of scarecrow on the foreshore.

Crazy colourful shed.

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Driving Home...

This morning I drove home from Swan Hill, and at one point it looked like this.

Yes that's the car in it, just to prove I was there.