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Monday, 29 July 2013


 At times it can be a battle to believe...
but when it all turns out it's time to celebrate...

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Simple Pleasures....

Bacon and Onion...With Chat Potatoes and home made Green Tomato Pickle...
so simple and so delicious.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Monday, 22 July 2013

The Hills...

One I hadn't really noticed from the National Rhododendron Gardens...
Nothing like autumn in the hills.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Driving Through Lysterfield...

When the sun was out this afternoon, it was perfect for a drive through the Lysterfield valley.

Everything is so green and lush.

Still some puddles around, but a fairly clear view out towards the city. 

Goodbye Dinner For Alex...

Snacks and soup to start with.

A roaring fire.

A selection of curry.

The crazy boys.

Marg's (Ricki's) Lemon Tart.

A game of cards.

Safe you darling.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

What's On My Kitchen Bench Now...

This morning I've made Roasted Red Peppers...(just removing their skin).

Pickled Zucchini, Pepperonata, Pumpkin and Pear Chutney
and Spiced Berry Syrup for making Mulled wine.

Sourdough with Blue Costello (thanks Helen) Pickled Zucchini and Pepperonata.