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Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Monday, 28 May 2012

Chili Mussels...

From Marie Claire 'fresh and easy'
Soupy Mussels with wholegrain toast.
I used Basil instead of Coriander,
the Cayenne was quite hot..but good
if you're sensitive just watch it.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Delicious Salmon For Dinner...

Salmon with Beurre Blanc and Dutch Cream Potatoes,
 on a bed of torn Basil and Rocket.
A small tribute to 'Kitchen Hand'...
and yes I did cheat.
Although I loved how it turned out.

For the recipe go to What I cooked last night.

I Miss Summer...

The bright colours and the light, not to mention the flavours.

Saturday, 26 May 2012

French Toast...

Using up some stale old bread.

With salad.

French Toast with Chili Jam and Mushrooms .

With coffee, great for a late breakfast.

Friday, 25 May 2012

Cozy Friday Night...

It's the sort of weather that makes it easy to be home
curled up in front of the heater
with something a bit scrumptious....

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Monday, 21 May 2012

Ceremonial Burning...

After 2 months of grueling work on the farm,
 and the excitement of returning home....
Fede burnt all the work gear....
It's been anticipated for ages.
Mostly symbolic of letting go of the bad stuff
 and getting on with life.
We rang Max during the process and
 promised to combine the ashes at the appropriate time.
It all seemed a bit damp,
but neverthe less everything caught on,
 and it ended up to be a good fire...

Sunset Over The Lysterfield Valley...

Last night I raced up to Glenfern road to get some photos of the sunset,
 it was spectacular.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

What's On My Kitchen Bench....

This afternoon, I made some grilled Eggplant and Capsicum with Garlic dressing.
As well as a Choko salad.
(Just poached in water till tender, skinned cored and sliced.
 Cooled and dressed with vinaigrette and some Corriander.)

I've tried some with Rye Sourdough, Sun dried Tomatoes, olives and cheese.
And Blue Costello of course.

Even with a drizzle of Chili Jam, which I made today as well, just delicious.

The cakes in the background are from Bethany Claires' stall at the market,
and I'm treasuring every one.

Drinking Mate....

Mate...(matea) is an Argentinian drink made from the Yerba Mate plant.
The dried leaf is steeped in hot water,
 kind of like a tea, its is sipped through a metal pipe
called a Bomba,
which filters out the rough dried plant mixture.

This is Fred sharing a cultural experience with me...
I think the face says it all.
It was ok, but I don't think I'd get addicted.

Friday, 18 May 2012

Autumn In The Hills..

Some photos I took on the way home from work.
Mostly on the Olinda Creek road, it's just gorgeous,
such a beautiful time of year

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

I Wish We Could Have Coffee...

Coffee made in a Stainless Steel Plunger
 (that won't smash like the glass one)
and lovely hand blown, double walled glasses.


Poached Egg on Fruit and Rosemary Toast, with Butter,  Goats cheese and a small Salad.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

The Knitted Coral Reef...

Beautiful examples of the knitted and crocheted coral reef,
all about looking after the planet.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Left overs For Dinner...

Left over Chili Beef and rice stuffed roll,
with Dijon Béchamel, Choco and Carrot.

It was all about the sauce...

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Autumn In The Yarra Valley...

The colours at the moment are beautiful,
and if you manage to get out when there's a bit of clear sky,
it's just beautiful.

Thursday, 10 May 2012


Flowers... for Liz,
 so glad you're home and in good spirits.
Love always,

Wednesday, 9 May 2012


They can be beautiful,
(but realy they are still cages...)
I think I prefer to see candles in them,
or perhaps flowers.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012


Blue.... but it's OK,
 if you look around you still see beauty,
you just have to keep an eye out for it,
and not be overwhelmed by the negatives.

Monday, 7 May 2012


Today I received two surprises from two of my sisters,
this beautiful jug from one...
and the news of a potentially serious hospitalization from the other.
It's overwhelmed me a bit,
it's reminding me to make the most of things and people and what's really important
because you never know what's around the corner...
good or bad.


A quiet red with a friend on a cold night...

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Poached Eggs For Breakfast...

Poached Egg on toasted sourdough,
 with Eggplant and Beetroot Pesto, Mustard and Parmigiano.

Saturday, 5 May 2012

At Home On A Dull Day...

Looking for inspiration...

Bits and pieces on the dresser.

My favourite jug with pretty flowers and a new cook book.

Country Drive...

Some of the beautiful scenery on the way to Emerald.
It's a lovely part of the world.

Thursday, 3 May 2012


A friend bought me some home grown Chocos on the weekend.
They look a bit prickly and funny, but on the inside they're tender and juicy.
I peeled, microwaved and served mine with a cheesy mustard and lemon sauce.