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Thursday, 26 August 2021

Another breakfast tray…

Sourdough toast with home made Hummus and Avocado dip, tomato, spring onion and herbs from the garden….

 Rose geranium tea….

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Thursday, 19 August 2021

Violets Violets Violets….

Pick a couple of handfuls of Violets, put them in a jar and cover with vinegar, leave in a cool dark place for about 4 days then strain off…you will be left with a beautiful violet vinegar.

To make a violet leaf oil, pick a large bowl of young Violet leaves.

Add 300 mls of warm oil, I used Sunflower oil as I don’t want it to solidify in the fridge…blitz in a blender, then strain through muslin.

There you have the perfect match for a Violet vinaigrette.


Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Mandarin cream tarts….

Today I made some mandarin cream by blitzing a cup of mandarin marmalade with 3 tablespoons of cream, then stirring in 2 tablespoons of sour cream and the juice of one Kafir lime. Then I spooned the mix into store bought pastry cases and decorated them with edible flowers from the garden, they really are delicious.