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Monday, 30 May 2011

Night Lights in Melbourne

Looking up the river from the bridge.

A closer look at the bridge.

Pathway beside the Yarra.

The tower at the Cultural Centre.

The tower at Flinders street.

The back of the station.

Detail from a cafe in Southbank.



Looking back, from where we sat.
Some pics I took in town last weekend.

Sunday, 29 May 2011

A Finnish Accapella ensemble, the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, and ABBA

This is the group we went to see at the Town Hall last night
they were fabulous....this will give you an idea of their style.

A Night At The Town Hall

Last night I went to see the MSO  play at the town hall...they were backing a European group, and it was an Abba Tribute.
The stage.

Warm up at intermission.

A little bit of audience

Dramatic lighting.

What's Abba without a mirror ball.

Amazing drums.
Lots of fun. Apparently "no pictures allowed, these were all I took before being politely "told"

Friday, 27 May 2011

Monday, 23 May 2011

Old Favourite...

I seem to want music at the moment.

This reminds me of the old days.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

just what I'm thinking about...

You have to be a certain age to get it....but for me today, well it's gold

The View From Hamer Arboretum....

The 'Hills' is such a beautiful place to live...we get spoiled with all the beauty.

Looking into the valley.

A quiet place to think.

Still a little hazy.

The Slow Mobile 'just to prove we were there'.

Another Quiet spot.

A bit more blue sky.

The rotunda.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Sunday, 15 May 2011

From the Grotto at Cloudhill

The water feature,with coins

The maiden pouring water.

Creeping vines on the wall

Detail of rock and's all very damp.

The Grotto....

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Out my window

There's not much to look at, weather wise out my window.
However the view is, in some places, rather lovely.
Thanks Mum.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Rest in peace...Marj Broadbent.

Today Marg and I went to visit Marj,
 and this afternoon she passed away.
I'm glad we had the opportunity to be with her this morning.
She will remain a great source of courage, determination, and friendship.

Love you 'Marjie'...say hi to Jesus for me.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Mothers' Day Lunch....

Sweetie boy Kunz, took me out for lunch on Sunday.
We went up the hills and ended up at 'Wickedly Delicious" in Monbulk.
Helpful staff

The coffee machine

Lighting the rainbow

Award winning pie, with salad and a trio of condiments....nice but Dads' mango chutney would have been nicer.

Kunz wah, with Bruscetta

and tea

The front door, from the car

and a lovely pot of flowers

And my sweetie boy
The food was lovely, the atmosphere cozy, which was just as well....It was so wet outside.