I had a small vegie patch out the back a while ago, however last year it was all a bit much and I didn't manage to plant anything.
So this morning I've given it a go.
I bought Basil, and zucchini seedlings. |
As well as Sage, Oregano,Cucumber, lots of different Tomatoes, and Lettuce. |
Looking up towards the deck, before... |
I had help with the Pea straw.
I'm using what I call the 'Barge' method, after my dear friend Marj,
who is very successful with a kind of ,
'just smother over straw, and make nest like wells with potting mix, and just shove the plants in'.
So much less stress than the standard,
'dig it all over , improve the soil, plant up, and mulch' method. |
Tomato and Zucchini seedlings planted out. |
I'm using old vegie boxes as planters on the deck, for herbs, and lettuce. |
Looking up to the deck, with the vegies in.
I'll keep you posted on how it goes. |
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